Black Kangs With No Kingdoms & Tyrese’s Child Support Drama

Black Kings without Kingdom (1)

A King is a male ruler of a country, state, or territory (i.e., a kingdom) that typically inherits the throne by right of birth. These men are molded to become centered leaders with integrity and a goal of building a rich legacy for their sons to ultimately expand upon. A king rules people that respect and even worship them. Most Kings inspire their people by uplifting and encouraging fertility, spirituality and creativity.

A Kang, on the other hand, rules a kangdom, which typically consists of trap houses and street corners they push their drugs and gun sales on. These men don’t obtain inheritances because their worthless fathers didn’t possess anything to leave them prior to abandoning them and their mothers. Unlike Kings, Kangs aren’t taught about manhood, leadership, protecting or providing to build strong people around them. Instead, they are bred to destroy all people around them, annihilating whole generations through violence and murders. Kangs acquire the skills and behaviors necessary for access to the penitentiary and graveyards, which is why in most cases they represent the most inmates in America’s prison systems.

Kings build kingdoms, for instance, the first kingdom in the world was the Kingdom of Cush, which was situated in Nubia—southern Egypt and northern Sudan. The rulers of this kingdom were black-skinned Africans, that founded the world’s first city called Axum in the country named Aethiopia, which was the first established country on earth. The city of Napata was the first capital of the Cushite kings located in Sudan beyond the third cataract of the Nile River. Drusilla Dunjee Houstons wrote a book called, Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire, where she details the accomplishments of the Kings that ruled Cush, stating:

…the central seat of Ethiopia was a kingdom called Meroe—one of the most powerful cities and metropolis in the ancient world. The first men of the ancient world were referred to as “Men of Meru.” These great rulers of Ethiopia were the architectural giants of the past. They were first to build empires and pyramids, erect stupendous edifices, excavate long subterranean passages in the living rock, and form vast lakes that extended over the follows of adjoining mountains and arches for aqueducts and bridges.

The ruling class founded the powerful priest caste including judges, physicians, astrologers, architects, and more. These priests united within themselves all the highest culture and the most distinguished offices of the land. They were of such significance that they were deified at death.

The first laws, prisons, commerce, knowledge of working metals, fine arts, science, alphabetical writing, astronomy, history, mathematics, chronology, architecture, plastic art, sculpture, navigation, agriculture, and textile industries were established by the Cushites of Ethiopia.

Ethiopia is an ancient classical land. In the olden days its inhabitants were considered the most devout and oldest of mankind. It was the Ethiopian Cushites who were the fountainhead of civilization. From these people arose the oldest traditions and rites and sprang the first colonies and arts of antiquity.

The only kingdoms that Kangs have built were those for the white men that subjugated them. Kangs founded nothing except layers of turmoil and dysfunction in black communities. These men are plagued by narcissism and delusion, believing that possessing nothing is synonymous to having everything. Kangs reject their poor decision making, blaming their plight on everyone and everything but themselves, refusing to take accountability for anything.

In several cases, married Kangs force their wives to be the primary breadwinner, providing all the materials necessary for sustenance, while they comfortably watch the women struggle. Instead of forming partnerships, where they contribute at least equally to the family, Kangs will put all the responsibilities on their wives, including paying the bills, raising the children, cooking, cleaning, and giving them all the sex they desire. A Kang’s woman is to do whatever he demands of her, even if his dictations aren’t realistically achievable. He mandates that his woman carry the world solely on her back and when she does he becomes jealous because her abilities make him feel inadequate. Consequently, a Kang will project his self-hatred onto the woman in hopes of destroying her morale, confidence and self-esteem; unfortunately, in most cases he succeeds. Kangs view treating women with kindness and gentleness as weakness, and believe that only real men abuse, misuse and confuse the women they supposedly love.

Kings protect their Queens and concubines, providing them with all the necessities to live a royal and fulfilled life. However, although most Kangs avoid marriage, some have wives that they possess no loyalty to, habitually cheating with various side chicks. If they aren’t married, many of them have multiple women that aren’t cognizant of each other. These Kangs spread diseases and breed children with the women, having 2 or more children with each woman. They avoid marriage and support, while proclaiming it’s the women’s fault for going through with the pregnancies.

All the women in a King’s life are aware of each other and understand their role in the kingdom. Concubines know their place and never attempt to compete with Queens. However, a Kang will have his side chick believing she’s more important than his wife, providing her with all the luxuries that a King would give to his Queen. A King has enough wealth to support his entire family, including the concubines and their children, allowing the women to dedicate themselves to their personal goals, children and family. However, a Kang has bitches and hoes that he can’t afford because he possesses no money and uses his wife’s or main woman’s income and materials to entertain side chicks. He’ll drive his woman’s car to chauffeur other women around or bring women to the house his woman supports. He has no dignity and love taking risks, despite not having any backup plans in case he gets caught and loses his support system. Kangs will continue this degeneracy until the side chicks leave or have his children, and in this case, he’ll then abandon them all.

Although both Kings and Kangs are patriarchal, Kangs are sexist oppressors that don’t respect women, especially those that are independent, and treat them as objects to be possessed. These homosocial men have more love and respect for other men than the women they’re with. Kangs view women as worthless chattel property whose sole purpose on Earth is to stay sweet, obey, pray, and serve them at will.

Unlike Kings who bear as many children as they please to build their empires, Kangs breed and abandon children to ultimately build empires for funeral homes and prisons. Kangs encourage young boys to be uneducated degenerates who view manhood as wreaking havoc and creating utter chaos in the environments they frequent. They form broken territories of unorganized gangs filled with abandoned and rejected black boys and men with a mentality of scarcity, moral corruption, and indignancy. The older Kangs in gangs are mentally ill spirits of depravity that take advantage of young black boys, convincing them to commit crimes they’re too weak and pathetic to do themselves. On the other hand, a King would take his young black warriors and train them to control and operate the kingdom’s military. But instead of Kangs building structured militaries to protect their kangdoms and the people in it with the young boys they exploit, they put them in positions where they end up dead or in prison as young as 12 years old. At this age, Kings would have had their boys highly educated, centered, decisive and essentially prepared to take over thrones—not the prison wards.

Many Kangs are pimps or traffickers that exploit their women for monetary gain, whereas Kings possess dignity and would behead a man for looking at their women, let alone paying to sex them. Other Kangs, such as the Passport Bros, exploit women by participating in sex tourism for attention. These men believe that travelling across seas to entertain women for sex under the guise of love isn’t exploitation because the women choose to do it. They fail to recognize that the reasons these women prostitute themselves are because they lack other opportunities and men have created an industry to profit from sexually exploiting them.

There are several celebrity Kangs that thirst for women packaged in whiteness. These women could have slept with every man in Hollywood or be gold-digging femme fatales, but because she has white skin, she’s suitable. Tyrese is notorious for marrying and dating women with white skin that he claims abuse and use him for financial gain. He then goes on tirades against his preference once things don’t go his way.

Tyrese makes 2 million dollars annually and yet is complaining because he’s being required to pay $636K for child support and his ex’s lawyer. That’s less than 5% of his income, and now he’s calling on civil rights leaders to help him get out of his responsibilities. This man is the epitome of a Kang. He won’t admit how dysfunctional and narcissistic he is, especially during his marriage and other relationships, which caused these women to take whatever they could and get the hell out of dodge.

This woman isn’t saying anything new. Most women are familiar with the ridiculous behaviors of Kangs, regardless of their net worth. Although Tyrese had his wealth prior to marrying his ex, most Kangs will build their means with their wives and once they’ve achieved success, they divorce them, attempting to keep all the resources to themselves. What’s worse is that other Kangs support this treachery.

Overall, black Kangs are mentally ill, disenfranchised, inferior broken men that, unlike Kings, refuse to get themselves out of subjugation. These men have declared war on black women and children, while imitating their white oppressors. Kangs are the “if you can’t be them, join them” black men. Therefore, because they couldn’t prevent themselves from being colonized, they hate themselves. They went from being the most powerful Kings on Earth to begging for handouts from genetically inferior men. And when white men provide black women with funds to build themselves, Kangs protest because in their entitled minds, everything should be given to them. They don’t even consider how humiliating it is that another group of men have to provide for their women. Instead, they bitch and moan about other men not giving them handouts. As many black billionaire Kangs that exist in this country, it doesn’t make sense that non-black men have to provide to black women. However, when men have no dignity, women have to fend for themselves.

Kangs are weak tyrants, forcing black women to be Kings for the community. While Kangs are falling further and further behind in society, black women are healing and uniting to change their inferior status and annihilated reputation of grace. Consequently, black men are jealous, and losing even more control of their patriarchal white imitation as they’re fighting against the only women that, sadly, battle for them. Unfortunately, most black women worship black Kangs, not realizing these men are dangerously broken and need mental facilitation to help them cope with being subjugated. There’s nothing black women can do to help these men but continue to be door mats so that these Kangs can feel like the men that they are not. Cynthia G said it best, “You cannot be a King with no kingdom”.


Drusilla Dunjee Houston

Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire

Click to Purchase Book

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